Ground Transportation for Vietnam

Options for traveling within Vietnam for a 21-day period


  1. Car
  2. Train / Bus / Air
  3. Other Options
  4. Estimate of total ground travel expenses


In Vietnam car rentals always come with a driver. The travel book I picked up is by Lonely Planet. According to my travel book, the average costs for a car and driver are $80 to $135 per day. I found a car for $169.38 per day for a total of $3726.37 over the three week period.

Train / Bus / Air

Train prices leaving Hanoi come at a range of prices depending on both destination and seat type. The lowest possible price is $10 to Hai Phong and the highest price of the same seat type is $64 to Ho Chi Minh City. Upgrading to the most expensive seat adds somewhere from $20 to $40 to the ticket price.


The bus is a viable option for traveling within Hanoi or outside. The tickets can be very cheap, ranging from about 14 cents in Hanoi up to $1.19 to visit nearby provinces.

Traveling by plane seems like the best option especially for long distance flights. A flight from Hanoi to various other cities can be very cheap, as shown in the graphic. Comparing to the train, a train ticket from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City costs $64 at the cheapest while a plane ticket costs $37. Planes win for quick, long distance travel in Vietnam. My travel book does note that cancellations are common however.

Other options

According to my travel book there are a number of alternative travel options within Vietnam. You could rent a bicycle for about $1-$6 a day depending on the bike model and spend about $21-$126 over the three weeks. Hail a taxi which generally charges about seventy cents per kilometer. Sail on a boat or ferry with widely varying prices. Rent a moped or motorcycle with or without a driver with prices starting at $5.

Estimate of total ground travel expenses

The total cost of traveling within Vietnam for a three week period is $3726.37 for a rental car with a driver. Traveling by other means over the 3-week period is likely cheaper, but will vary based on destination and kind of travel used.



Submitted by Jennifer Nguyen on 3/13/2020.